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【講座預告】“道教的經典與儀式”雲端系列學術講座第八講——Hymns and Mythology: Pacing the Void in Lingbao Scripture and Ritual (古靈寶經中的步虛)

来源:神州文化研究 时间:2024-05-29

【講座預告】“道教的經典與儀式”雲端系列學術講座第八講——Hymns and Mythology: Pacing the Void in Lingbao Scripture and Ritual (古靈寶經中的步虛)





“道教的經典與儀式”雲端系列學術講座第八講——Hymns and Mythology: Pacing the Void in Lingbao Scripture and Ritual (古靈寶經中的步虛)


Tyler Feezell(Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dartmouth College)


Jingyu Liu(劉婧瑜,Assistant Professor, Rollins College)






This talk considers the more well-defined understanding of “Pacing the Void” found throughout several early Lingbao Daoism scriptures and ritual texts. The most important of these works likely dates to the latter part of the Eastern Jin 東晉 (317–420) and, in its extant version preserved in the Daozang 道藏, is titled Scripture for Pacing the Void to Jade Capitoline Mountain from the Numinous Treasure Cavern Mystery (Dongxuan lingbao yujing shan buxu jing 洞玄靈寶玉京山步虛經) (CT 1439).

The buxu hymns (buxu yin shishou 步虛吟十首) contained within the Buxu jing, all in pentasyllabic verse, but with differing line lengths and end rhymes, were incorporated into ritual performance, both in ordination rites and large-scale communal rituals (zhai 齋). These hymns, several have argued, represent the earliest strata of the scripture itself, and in some places in Taiwan of China, they continue to be performed within ritual complexes today.

本場講座探討早期靈寶經中的“步虛”儀式,這些靈寶經相較於上清經對步虛的界定更加明確。這些道經中最重要的一部也許可以追溯到東晉(317-420年)後期,即現存于《道藏》的《洞玄靈寶玉京山步虛經》(CT 1439)。《步虛經》記載了十首《步虛吟》,均為五言詩,但行數和用韻有所不同,它們被整合進傳度儀和大型集體儀式齋儀兩類儀式中。一些學者認為,這些頌詩代表了《步虛經》中最早成書的部分,而在中國臺灣的一些地方,這些頌詩至今仍運用於儀式節次中。


會議ID:926 9748 2735

