
About the Center







Prof. Lü Pengzhi is the founder of the Center for the Study of Chinese Religions of Southwest Jiaotong University. He obtained a BA in French language at the Department of Western Languages and Literature of Peking University, where he was influenced by the rich academic environment that led him to develop a strong interest in humanities, including religious studies. After graduation, he taught at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature of Sichuan Normal University. He attended courses on ancient Chinese philology and the Four Sections of Chinese ancient texts (i.e., Classics, Histories, Philosophers, and Collections) at the Institute of Chinese Language and the Institute of Ancient Chinese Literature of that university, which allowed him to advance his proficiency in grammatology, phonology, exegetics, science of bibliography, science of editions, and textual criticism. This training provided him with a solid foundation for the study of ancient Chinese texts. Later, Lü Pengzhi received his doctoral degree in Religious Studies from the Institute of Religious Studies of Sichuan University,  and then worked there for fifteen years. He also studied and conducted research for four years in France, which is a point of reference for Western Sinology and has the longest history and the top level of overseas Daoist studies. Thereafter, he worked as a researcher and a professor in Hong Kong for nine years. Thanks to the multiculturality of the city and to its advanced facilities, he could broaden his perspective and have a thorough understanding of the methodology and the achievements of Chinese and foreign scholars of Daoist Studies. He could learn a lot not only from the interaction with his colleagues, but also from personal observation and direct experience, resulting in his mastering of both the ancient and the contemporary, the Chinese and the foreign: this had a profound, long-lasting impact on his research on Daoism and Chinese religion. Professor Lü Pengzhi’s most outstanding achievements are in the field of Daoist ritual, where he was able to achieve international leadership and to share in the authority that for a long time had been in the sole hands of Western and Japanese scholars.

Lü Pengzhi has been Professor at the School of Humanities of Southwest Jiaotong University starting from August 2017. The following year he was the principal investigator of the SWJTU Innovative Research Team Project on “Studies in Chinese Religions” and was awarded funding from the Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities (2682018WCX04). In July 2018, he set up the Center for the Study of Chinese Religions of the School of Humanities on the basis of this research team. The Center was made up of thirteen members chosen from the professors of Southwest Jiaotong University and other academic institutions.

With the support of the School of Humanities, the Center was able to hire a few talents from China and abroad, set up a number of undergraduate and graduate courses such as “Chinese Religious Culture,” “Chinese Religious Literature,” “History of Daoism,” “History of Chinese Buddhism,” “Daoist Ritual” and “Daoist Relics and Archaeology,” obtained national and ministerial grants for the research projects “The Basic Types and Historical Evolution of Medieval Daoist Rituals” (18BZJ045) and “Analytic Catalogue and Studies of the Stele Inscriptions of the Daoist Statues of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the Sui and the Tang” (20YJCZH239), and organised a series of academic activities, including lectures, workshops and conferences in which a great number of scholars from all parts of the world participated, resulting in a heightened national and international status of the Faculty.


2019 3 25 日,經西南交通大學第十四屆黨委會第 115 次常委(擴大 會議的決定,西南交通大學中國宗教研究中心英文名稱:Center for the Study of Chinese Religions, Southwest Jiaotong University;簡稱:CSCR-SWJTU)正式成立。中心屬學校二級虛體研究機構,掛靠人文學院,主管部門為文科建設處。

The Center for the Study of Chinese Religions, Southwest Jiaotong University was established on March 25, 2019, by deliberation of the 115th (enlarged) meeting of the standing committee of the 14th CPC SWJTU Committee. The Center is a second-tier virtual research institution, affiliated to the School of Humanities and under the responsibility of the Division for Development of Liberal Arts.



成立本中心具有重要的學術價值和現實意義。近百年中外學術界的研究一致證明,宗教是中國文化的基本組成部分,在中國傳統社會中佔有至關重要的地位。借用法國漢學家勞格文(John Lagerwey)的說法,傳統中國可以說是一個“宗教國度religious state”,一個名副其實的“神州continent of spirits”。只有深入研究中國宗教,才能真正瞭解中國的歷史、現狀以及中國人的心理、社會和文化,也才能更加全面深刻地揭示中國文化的內涵、特色和價值,更好地傳承、保護和弘揚中國優秀傳統文化,也讓中國文化走出去,增強中華民族的文化自信和凝聚力。

The establishment of the Center has a great academic value and practical significance. Chinese and foreign academic achievements of the last hundred years have unanimously proven that religion is a fundamental constituent of Chinese culture and that it occupies a crucial place in Chinese traditional society. Following the statement of the famous sinologist John Lagerwey, we think that traditional China was a “religious state” and that it should really be called “the continent of spirits (shenzhou 神州)”. Only by deeply studying Chinese religion can one truly understand China in a historical perspective and in the present situation, and appreciate Chinese psychology, society and culture. Only under such conditions can one reveal the content, peculiarities and values of Chinese culture in a broader and more profound way and consequently succeed in protecting, transmitting and promoting the brilliant Chinese traditional culture, allowing it to spread abroad, fortifying the cultural self-confidence and cohesion of the Chinese people.



顧名思義,本中心的研究對象是中國宗教。與世界三大宗教不同,中國宗教不是一個單一的宗教,而是一個集合概念,包含了幾種宗教。“中國宗教”這一術語主要有兩種含義。一是指當代中國官方認可和通稱的五大宗教——佛教、伊斯蘭教、天主教、基督教(新教、道教,其中天主教、基督教(新教)是同一種宗教的兩大門派。二是指中國傳統文化中的宗教,包括土生土長的儒教、道教、民間宗教和很早就“中國化”而 成為中國傳統文化重要組成部分的漢傳佛教。其中,儒教、漢傳佛教和道教分別簡稱“儒”“釋”“道”或總稱“三教”,民間宗教通常被貶稱為“巫”或“巫教”。關於中國宗教的四大門類,明嘉靖、萬曆間無根子集、建陽熊氏忠正堂刊本《海遊記》做過精闢的概括:“自天地開闢之後,人民安業,以儒、釋、道、巫四教傳於天下。儒出自孔聖人,居人間以孝悌忠信行教;釋出自世尊,居西境以持齋行教;道出自老子,居終南以修煉行教;巫出自九郎,居閭山□□□以降神行教。”《海遊記》不僅明確說中國有儒、釋、道、巫四教,而且指出了四教的基本特徵。

本中心在名稱上採用第二種含義的“中國宗教”,將研究對象集中在儒、釋、道三教和民間宗教(巫這四種傳統中國宗教。主要意圖有二:一是與國際學術接軌,因為國際漢學中的中國宗教研究長期以來一直都以這四教作為研究對象參見Laurence G. Thompson, Chinese Religion in Western Languages: A Comprehensive and Classified Bibliography of Publications in English, French and German through 1980;二是與國內其他宗教研究機構有所區別,因為這些機構一方面普遍未將儒教包括在內,另一方面研究對象通常還包括域外宗教和宗教學理論。 

As implied by its name, the Center’s research focus is “Chinese religion”. This is different from the “three major religions of the world” (Buddhism, Christianity and Islam) insofar as it is not a unitary religion. It should instead be recognised as a composite concept that encompasses a number of different religions. In general, the concept of “Chinese religion” refers to two distinct meanings. The first indicates the “five great religions” (Buddhism, Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism and Daoism) approved by the present Chinese government. The second refers to the religions belonging to Chinese traditional culture, including the two indigenous religions known as Confucianism and  Daoism, together with Buddhism, which underwent a long process of sinification since ancient times that turned it into an important element of traditional Chinese culture. Among them, Confucianism, “sinified” Buddhism and Daoism have either been considered separately or as different components of the “three teachings” (sanjiao 三教), whereas popular religion has often been disregarded as mere “shamanism” (wu , wujiao 巫教). With regard to these four main types of Chinese religion, the Haiyou ji 海遊記, compiled by Wugen Zi 無根子 and printed by Mr Xiong ’s publishing house Zhongzheng tang 忠正堂 of Jianyang 建陽  in the 16th to early 17th century, states: “Since the beginning of Heaven and Earth, Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism and shamanism were transmitted in the world so that the people may live in peace. Confucianism began with Confucius the Sage, who spread his teachings in society by means of filial piety, brotherly love, loyalty and trustworthiness. Buddhism began with the Buddha, who spread his teachings in the West by means of the practice of fasting. Daoism began with Laozi, who spread his teachings in the Zhongnan [Mountains] by means of self-cultivation. Shamanism began with Jiulang, who spread his teachings on Mt. Lü by means of spirit possession”. It is important to note that the Haiyou ji not only lists the four religions active within the Chinese territory, but also describes their fundamental traits.

The name of the Center refers precisely to this second meaning and therefore it is committed to study all four traditional Chinese religions: Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism and popular religion (shamanism, also referred to as spirit mediumism). This choice has two main purposes: one is to integrate the center with the international academic milieu, whose research on Chinese religion, especially as a branch of Sinology, has engaged with these four religions for a long time (cf. Laurence G. Thompson, Chinese Religion in Western Languages: A Comprehensive and Classified Bibliography of Publications in English, French and German through 1980). The second purpose is to distinguish itself from those institutions dedicated to the study of religion, but that do not include Confucianism among their research subjects but do include foreign religions and theories of religious studies.




The research fields of the Center include:  philology and history of Chinese religion; beliefs and practices of Chinese religion; connections between religion and Chinese culture and society; Chinese religion in comparative perspective.



The Center is characterised by its emphasis on the study of rituals pertaining to Chinese religion and in particular to Daoism. For a long time, the rituals of Chinese religion have been a very important advanced research subject, very difficult to approach, but inadequately studied both in China and abroad. Except the multi-volume Zhongguo lizhi shi 中國禮制史 on Confucian rituals, there is no available, comprehensive work on the history of Daoist, Buddhist or popular rituals and, in general, there is also a paucity of studies on living Chinese religious rituals. The Center firmly pursues the study of rituals with the aim of producing innovative research.




The fundamental principles of the Center are: to adopt Xi Jinping’s thought on “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era” as a guideline; to position itself on the forefront of the international academic environment; to employ multi-angled, multidisciplinary and comparative research methods; to integrate the methodology from textual studies and ethnography; to allow the convergence of tradition and modernity; to foster communication between China and foreign countries.



(一)在中華書局出版專著《唐前道教儀式史綱》。法國著名漢學家、道教儀式專家勞格文(John Lagerwey)教授為本書作序,指出這是一部“開拓性的著作”,“是第一部有關道教儀式奠基時期的成熟論著,在這個專業領域將受到普遍歡迎”,認為該書“綜合了前人的研究和他本人對文獻的新研究”,“在未來將是道教儀式史研究領域的金科玉律”。《唐研究》第十六卷書評認為該書“對漢唐間道教儀式的來源和形成過程、發展脈絡和主要趨勢作出了比較準確的描述”,“注重文本整理、靠材料說話和注意史料辨析”,“具有上乘學術品質”。該書自出版迄今,歐美、日本、中國內地、港臺同行學者的論著多有參考引用。




(五)與勞格文教授合作主編兩卷本英文著作Early Chinese Religion, Part Two: The Period of Division (220-589 AD)(《博睿中國魏晉南北朝宗教史》)。該書採用《劍橋中國史》叢書的體例,從多種角度深入詳細地探討了魏晉南北朝時期的儒、釋、道三教和民間宗教。該書連同勞格文與其他學者合作主編的另外六卷斷代中國宗教史著均列入世界一流學術出版社荷蘭博睿(Brill)“東方學手冊第4系列:中國”,是目前國際漢學界有關中國宗教史的權威參考書。該書最為顯著的創新之處在於,一是全面深入地論述了中國宗教在魏晉南北朝時期的重大轉型,二是書中所收論文歐美作者和中國作者各占一半,平分秋色,標誌著中國宗教研究的主力部隊已回到中國本土。

(六)主譯《西方道教研究編年史》。本書是法國著名漢學家索安(Anna Seidel)所撰長篇研究報告 “Chronicle of Taoist Studies in the West 1950-1990” 的中譯本。該書全面介紹了1950-1990年間的西方道教研究,內容包括:道教和道家的關係;道教文獻——《道藏》和藏外文獻;道教史;道教的基本要素,包括神仙信仰、洞天福地、經典的傳授及其性質、天堂地獄、身體觀念及長生實踐、煉丹術(外丹和內丹)、儀式、圖像;道教與中國傳統文化的關係,包括道教與朝廷的關係、道教與儒家的關係、道教與藝術(詩歌、書法、繪畫)的關係、道教與民間宗教的關係、道教與醫學的關係;道教與佛教;中國域外道教。這部譯著產生了廣泛持久的影響,《唐研究》第九卷發表了專門書評。

Apart from the fruits of other center members, the main academic achievements of the Director, Professor Lü Pengzhi are as follows:

1) The publication of Tangqian daojiao yishi shigang 唐前道教儀式史綱 with the publishing house Zhonghua shuju. Professor John Lagerwey wrote the preface to this volume, which he defined as a “ground-breaking work” and “a book which the whole field will welcome as the first mature study of Taoist ritual in its foundational period,” and considered it “represents a synthesis of all previous studies together with new textual studies of Lü himself” and “will be the gold standard in the field for years to come.” The book review in the sixteenth volume of the journal Tang yanjiu 唐研究 states: “[this book] contains an accurate description of the origins and formation of Daoist rituals during the Han and Tang dynasties, of their paths of development and of their main trends”; “this book emphasizes both textual criticism and evidence and pays attention to the analysis of historical sources”; “[this book] has superb academic value.” Since its publication, it has been cited in many works by European, American and Chinese scholars.

2) More than twenty articles on Daoist ritual written in Chinese and English, which greatly advanced the academic knowledge in that field. Worth mentioning is “Fengdu shan zhenxing tu xintan 酆都山真形圖新探”, which exhaustively analyses, clarifies and explains the content and usage of the “Chart of the True Form of Mount Fengdu” by comparing for the first time three kinds of sources: Daoist texts, tomb inscriptions and data collected via fieldwork. This article supplements and corrects the errors of previous research regarding ideas, sources and methodology. Another article, “The Lingbao Fast of the Three Primes and the Daoist Middle Prime Festival: a Critical Study of the Taishang dongxuan lingbao sanyuan pinjie jing”, studies the relationship between the origins of the Middle Prime Festival and the ancient Lingbao scripture Taishan dongxuan lingbao sanyuan pinjie jing 太上洞玄靈寶三元品戒經, and proves that the Middle Prime Festival or ritual integrates Buddhist and Daoist elements, amending previous arguments by Akizuki Kannei, Yoshioka Yoshitoyo and Ōfuchi Ninji.

3) The co-editing of Daojiao yishi congshu 道教儀式叢書 and of the first volume of the series Jiangxi sheng Tonggu xian Qiping zhen xianying leitan daojiao keyi 江西省銅鼓縣棋坪鎮顯應雷壇道教科儀. This series is coedited by professors John Lagerwey and Lü Pengzhi and is chiefly dedicated to the compilation, collection and analysis of texts related to contemporary Daoist rituals. It aims at salvaging and preserving the heritage of Daoist culture through modern academic methodology. The series has already published four volumes. The first one gives complete and detailed descriptions of the procedures for the four most important kinds of rituals performed by the Tonggu altar, namely the register transmission and ordination ritual, the healing ritual, the offering ritual of purity and peace, and the ritual of salvation for the dead, whose functions are ordination, exorcism, healing and salvation of the dead, respectively. They encompass all the different kinds of Daoist rituals still extant today. Among them, the register transmission and ordination ritual are the most peculiar rituals in the present volume and are described in great detail. This volume does not only meticulously record the long process of transmission of register (lasting three days and four nights) performed at this altar through the generations. It also opens to the public for the first time the Five Thunders Register kept at the altar, together with secret manuscripts copied by one of the altar’s patriarchs on how to fill in the register. This volume has been warmly welcomed by the Daoist and academic worlds since its publication.

4) Chief editor of “Difang daojiao yishi shidi diaocha bijiao yanjiu” guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwen ji 地方道教儀式實地調查比較研究國際學術研討會論文集. Lü Pengzhi, John Lagerwey and David A. Palmer co-organized a conference at the University of Hong Kong, between April 21 and 23, 2011, whose participants included Daoist masters coming from more than ten different rural altars and from two urban Daoist altars located in China, together with ethnographers from China and abroad. This was a great opportunity for all these participants to meet together for the first time. They disclosed and studied a wealth of local Daoist rituals and shared multimedia presentations on the altars’ transmission, personnel, special arrangements, ritual typologies and programmes, liturgical manuscripts and ritual paraphernalia. The book is a selected collection of the articles presented at this conference, investigating rural altars in the four southern provinces of Hunan, Fujian, Jiangxi and Guangdong and two urban altars of Suzhou and Hong Kong. Each article starts by briefly presenting a specific Daoist altar and then it further discusses specific subjects related to its rituals. The material presented in each article is the result of field studies and it includes plenty of illustrations. This book opens up a new window on the origin, history and contemporary practice of non-monastic Daoist rituals.

5) Co-editing of Early Chinese Religion, Part Two: The Period of Division (220-589 AD). The style of this 2-volume book is inspired by the Cambridge History of China and it investigates in detail Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism and popular religion between the 3rd and the 6th century from multiple perspectives. This and other six volumes co-edited by John Lagerwey and other scholars on different periods of the history of Chinese religion are part of the series “Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 4 China”, published by the renowned Dutch publishing house Brill. These volumes presently constitute the most authoritative manuals on the history of Chinese religion published by international sinologists. The book co-edited by Lü Pengzhi is characterised by two innovative features: first, it contains a thorough and detailed discussion of the paradigm shifts of Chinese religion between the 3rd and the 6th century; second, Chinese and Western authors equally share the space in the volume, demonstrating that a main drive behind the study of Chinese religion has already returned to its place of origin, China.

6) Chief translator of the Chinese edition of Anna Seidel’s Chronicle of Taoist Studies in the West 1950-1990. This book is a comprehensive presentation of Daoist studies in the West between the 1950s and the 1990s. It touches upon: the relationship between the concepts of daojiao 道教 and daojia 道家; the study of Daoist texts, both within and outside the Daoist Canon; the history of Daoism; the fundamental components of Daoism, including beliefs in supernatural beings, grotto-heavens and blessed places, the transmission and the characteristics of the scriptures, heavenly and infernal locations, conceptions of the body and immortality practices, inner and outer alchemy, ritual and iconography; the relationship between Daoism and Chinese traditional culture, including the relationships between Daoism and the court, Confucianism, arts (poetry, calligraphy, painting), popular religion, medicine, the relationship between Daoism and Buddhism, and Daoism outside China. This translation had such a broad and lasting impact that the ninth volume of Tang yanjiu published its review.


(一)收集資料。著重收集兩方面的資料,一方面是有關中國宗教的重要書刊,包括《道藏》《中華道藏》《中華續道藏》《藏外道書》《道藏輯要》《敦煌道藏》《道法海涵》《大正新修大藏經》《嘉興藏》《中華大藏經》《中華大藏經補編》《續藏經》《大藏經補編》《藏外佛教文獻》等重要原始資料和《世界宗教研究》《宗教學研究》、Journal of Chinese ReligionsStudies in Chinese Religions 等國內外學術期刊。另一方面是具有重要學術價值的未刊中國宗教儀式資料,如神圖、寫本、手抄秘笈、板刻等。

(二科學研究。擬申請國內外人文社科基金或橫向項目,開展“中國宗教儀式的文獻和歷史”“中國和海外道教儀式調查研究”“道教儀式與佛教儀式關係研究”“中國宗教藝術與考古”等課題的研究。同時為輔助和補充課題研究,擬合作建立“中國宗教研究論著典藏庫”“中、日、西文道教研究論著目錄資料庫1816-2016“道教考古資料庫”“道教儀式典藏庫”等資料庫。擬出產若干成果,主編《道教儀式叢書》,出版《中國宗教文獻導讀》《中、日、西文道教研究論著目錄》《“比較視野中的道教儀式”國際學術研討會論文集》等編著,《道教儀式研究》《南北朝隋唐道教造像記》《越南佛教論稿》、The Making of the Medieval Daoist Ordination SystemThe Heart of the Heavenly Immortal: A Study of the Tianxian xinchuan 等中、英文專著,整理出版《〈史記·封禪書〉集釋》《上清諸真傳輯校》《古靈寶經輯校》《越南漢文佛教全書》等文獻資料,翻譯出版法國賀碧來(Isabelle Robinet)著《道教史上的上清降授》(La révélation du Shangqing dans l'histoire du taoïsme)、韓國金龍泰著《韓國佛教史》,爭取在國際 A&HCI 和國內 CSSCI 收錄的重要期刊發表多篇論文。另外,中心將編輯出版電子通訊《神州研究——西南交通大學中國宗教研究中心通訊》(Shenzhou Studies: Newsletter of the Center for the Study of Chinese Religions, Southwest Jiaotong University)。




1) Collection of data. The Center emphasises the collection of two kinds of sources:

a. Major publications on Chinese religion, including primary sources (the Daozang 道藏, the Zhonghua daozang 中華道藏, the Zhonghua xu daozang 中華續道藏, the  Zangwai daoshu 藏外道書, the Daozang jiyao 道藏輯要, the Dunhuang daozang 敦煌道藏, the Daofa haihan 道法海涵, the Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō 大正新修大藏經, the Jiaxing zang 嘉興藏, the Zhonghua dazangjing 中華大藏經, the Zhonghua dazangjing bubian 中華大藏經補編, the Xuzangjing 續藏經, the  Dazangjing bubian 大藏經補編 and the Zangwai fojiao wenxian 藏外佛教文獻) and academic journals, both Chinese and foreign (e.g. Shijie zongjiao yanjiu 世界宗教研究, Zongjiaoxue yanjiu 宗教學研究, Journal of Chinese Religions and Studies in Chinese Religions);

b. Sources on Chinese religious rituals possessing considerable academic value, but that have not been published (e.g. icons of deities, manuscripts, secret handwritten books, printed texts, etc.).

2) Academic research. We plan to apply for Chinese and foreign funds and grants in the fields of humanities and social sciences in order to carry out the following research topics: “Texts and History of Chinese Religious Rituals”, “Fieldwork Studies on Daoist Rituals in China and Abroad”, “Study of the Relationship between Daoist Ritual and Buddhist Ritual”, “Archaeology and Art of Chinese Religion”, etc. At the same time, in order to support and advance the above-mentioned projects, we plan to collaborate to set up the following four databases, “Publications of the Studies on Chinese Religion”, “Catalogue of Publications of Daoist Studies in Chinese, Japanese and Western Languages (1816-2016)”, “Daoist Archaeology”, and “Digital Archive of Daoist Ritual”. We also plan to publish the following works: edited volumes of Daoist Ritual Series 道教儀式叢書, Zhongguo zongjiao wenxian daodu 中國宗教文獻導讀, Zhong, Ri, Xiwen daojiao yanjiu lunzhu mulu 中、日、西文道教研究論著目錄, “Bijiao shiye zhong de daojiao yishi” guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwen ji “比較視野中的道教儀式國際學術研討會論文集, etc.; monographs such as Daojiao yishi yanjiu 道教儀式研究, Nanbei chao Sui Tang daojiao zaoxiang ji 南北朝隋唐道教造像記, Yuenan fojiao lungao 越南佛教論稿, The Making of the Medieval Daoist Ordination System, The Heart of the Heavenly Immortal: A Study of the Tianxian xinchuan; editions of primary sources, such as Shiji fengshanshu jishi 《史記·封禪書》集釋, Shangqing zhuzhen zhuan jijiao 上清諸真傳輯校, Gu lingbao jing jijiao 古靈寶經輯校, Yuenan hanwen fojiao quanshu 越南漢文佛教全書, etc.; Chinese translations of Isabelle Robinet’s La Révélation du Shangqing dans l'Histoire du Taoïsme and Kim Yong-tae’s Hanguk pulgyosa 韓國佛教史. We also intend to publish articles in the top journals listed in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) and in the Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI). Finally, the Center will publish the newsletter Shenzhou Studies: Newsletter of the Center for the Study of Chinese Religions of Southwest Jiaotong University 神州研究——西南交通大學中國宗教研究中心通訊.

3) Academic exchange. In order to promote academic exchange in the field of the studies of Chinese religion and to increase the national and international influence of SWJTU’s studies of humanities, the Center will irregularly invite Chinese and foreign scholars to give lectures and to conduct forums, workshops and international academic conferences, alone or in cooperation with other research institutions.

4) Fostering talents. The Center plans to enroll doctoral and master’s degree candidates who aspire to study Chinese religion during their doctoral program in Chinese Language and Literature of the Department of Chinese Language and the master’s program in Philosophy of the Research Institute of Philosophy and History of Southwest Jiaotong University. We will set up the undergraduate and postgraduate courses “Chinese Religious Culture”, “Chinese Religious Literature”, “History of Daoism”, “History of Chinese Buddhism”, etc., in order to train a new generation of talented researchers in the field of Chinese Religion.

5) Attracting new talents. The Center is committed to attract outstanding talents from Chinese and foreign top universities and research institutions via the School of Humanities of Southwest Jiaotong University, with the purpose of improving its research and teaching capabilities.


中心主任由西南交通大學人文學院呂鵬志教授擔任。法國高等研究學院榮休教授、香港中文大學中國研究中心勞格文(John Lagerwey)教授任中心名譽主任。

中心設立學術委員會,禮聘著名漢學家、美國亞利桑那州立大學學監教授柏夷(Stephen R. Bokenkamp)任主任。學術委員會由中心禮聘的顧問和委員組成。



The Director of the Center is Professor Lü Pengzhi of the School of Humnities of Southwest Jiaotong Unierversity. The Honorary Director of the Center is John Lagerwey, Professor Emeritus of the École Pratique des Hautes Études of Paris and of the Centre for China Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

The director of the academic board established by the Center is Stephen R. Bokenkamp, renowned sinologist and Regent Professor at the Arizona State University. The academic board consists of honorary advisors and members.

The Center members also include guest research fellows and correspondent postgraduates.

The Center hires postgraduate assistants from this university to process Center affairs.


Members of the SWJTU Center for the Study of Chinese Religions

(按照中文姓名拼音字母排序listed in alphabetical order according to Chinese names)


I. 中心名主任 Honorary Director

• 勞格文John Lagerwey (École pratique des hautes études 法國高等研究學院; The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學)


II. 中心主任Director

• 呂鵬志Lü Pengzhi (Southwest Jiaotong University西南交通大學)


III. 學術委員會 Academic Board

III.1 學術委員會主任 Director

• 柏夷 Stephen R. Bokenkamp (Arizona State University 美國亞利桑那州立大學)


III.2 學術委員會顧問 Advisors

• 安德遜 Poul Andersen (University of Hawaii 美國夏威夷大學)

• 常志靜 Florian Reiter (Humboldt University of Berlin 德國柏林洪堡大學)

• 丁荷生 Kenneth Dean (National University of Singapore 新加坡國立大學)

• 段玉明 Duan Yuming (Sichuan University 四川大學)

• 范華 Patrice Fava (Renmin University of China 中國人民大學)

• 傅飛嵐 Franciscus Verellen (École française d'Extrême-Orient 法國遠東學院)

• 廣田律子 Hirota Ritsuko (Kanagawa University 日本神奈川大學)

• 郭麗英 Kuo Li-ying (École française d'Extrême-Orient 法國遠東學院)

• 金天鶴 Kim Chon-hak (Dongguk University 韓國東國大學)

• 康儒博 Robert Ford Campany (Kang Rubo; Vanderbilt University 美國德堡大學)

• 李剛 Li Gang (Sichuan University 四川大學)

• 李建欣 Li Jianxin (The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中國社會科學院)

• 李遠國 Li Yuanguo (Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences 四川省社)

• 劉勁峰 Liu Jingfeng (Musuem of Ganzhou, Jiangxi 江西贛州市博物館)

• 劉永華 Liu Yonghua (Fudan University 復旦大學)

• 羅柏松 James Robson (Harvard University 美國哈佛大學)

• 呂錘寬 Lü Ch’ui-k’uan (National Taiwan Normal University 臺灣師範大學)

• 呂敏 Marianne Bujard (École pratique des hautes études 法國高等研究學院)

• 穆瑞明 Christine Mollier (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 法國國家科學研究中心)

• 蒲慕州 Mu-chou Poo (The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學)

• 祁泰履 Terry Kleeman (University of Colorado 美國科羅拉多大學)

• 森由利亞 Mori Yuria (Waseda University 日本早稻田大學)

• 山田俊 Yamada Takashi (Prefectural University of Kumamoto 日本熊本縣立大學)

• 松本浩一 Matsumoto Kōichi (University of Tsukuba 日本筑波大學)

• 太史文 Stephen Teiser (Princeton University 美國普林斯頓大學)

• 譚偉倫 Tam Wai Lun (The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學)

• 丸山宏 Maruyama Hiroshi (University of Tsukuba 日本筑波大學)

• 汪桂平 Wang Guiping (The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中國社會科學院)

• 汪啟明 Wang Qiming (Southwest Jiaotong University 西南交通大學)

   王秋桂 Wang Chʻiu-kuei (National Tsing Hua University 臺灣清華大學)

   王宗昱 Wang Zongyu (Peking University 北京大學)

   肖平 Xiao Ping (Southwest Jiaotong University 西南交通大學)

   葉明生 Ye Mingsheng (The Academy of Art of Fujian 福建省藝術研究院)

   詹石窗 Zhan Shichuang (Sichuan University 四川大學)

   張文良 Zhang Wenliang (Renmin University of China 中國人民大學)

   張勳燎 Zhang Xunliao (Sichuan University 四川大學)

   張總 Zhang Zong (The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中國社會科學院)

   鍾思第 Stephen Jones (University of London 英國倫敦大學)

   周裕鍇 Zhou Yukai (Sichuan University 四川大學)


III.3 學術委員會委員 Members

   白彬 Bai Bin (Sichuan University 四川大學)

   曹淩 Cao Ling (Shanghai Normal University 上海師範大學)

   陳懷宇 Chen Huaiyu (Arizona State University 美國亞利桑那州立大學)

   陳金華 Jinhua Chen (University of British Columbia 英屬哥倫比亞大學)

   陳平 Chen Ping (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 電子科技大學)

   程樂松 Cheng Lesong (Peking University 北京大學)

   褚國鋒 Chu Guofeng (doctoral candidate, Sichuan University 四川大學博士研究生)

   甘沁鑫 Gan Qinxin (Southwest Jiaotong University西南交通大學)

   甘雪松 Jacopo Scarin (Southwest Jiaotong University西南交通大學)

   高萬桑 Vincent Goossaert (École Pratique des Hautes Études 法國高等研究學院)

   郭武 Guo Wu (Shandong University 山東大學)

   侯沖 Hou Chong (Shanghai Normal University 上海師範大學)

   汲喆 Ji Zhe (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales 法國國立東方語言與文明學院)

   紀贇Ji Yun (Buddhist College of Singapore 新加坡佛學院)

   姜守誠 Jiang Shoucheng (Renmin University of China 中國人民大學)

   雷聞 Lei Wen (The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中國社會科學院)

   李福 Gil Raz (Dartmouth College 美國達特茅斯學院)

   李志鴻 Li Zhihong (The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中國社會科學院)

   林振源 Lin Chen-yuan (Chengchi University 臺灣政治大學)

   劉長東 Liu Changdong (Sichuan University 四川大學)

   劉紅 Liu Hong (Shanghai Conservatory of Music 上海音樂學院)

   劉屹Liu Yi (Capital Normal University 首都師範大學)

   羅寧 Luo Ning (Southwest Jiaotong University西南交通大學)

   梅紅 Mei Hong (Southwest Jiaotong University西南交通大學)

   梅林寶 Mark Meulenbeld (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學)

   莫達夫 David Mozina (Ph.D., Harvard University 美國哈佛大學博士)

   歐福克 Volker Olles (Sichuan University 四川大學)

   沈如泉 Shen Ruquan (Southwest Jiaotong University西南交通大學)

   唐麗娟 Tang Lijuan (Southwest Jiaotong University西南交通大學)   王崗 Richard G. Wang (University of Florida 美國佛羅里達大學)

   王家葵 Wang Jiakui (Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 成都中醫藥大學)

   王頌 Wang Song (Peking University 北京大學)

   王招國(定源) Wang Zhaoguo (Dingyuan) (Shanghai Normal University 上海師範大學)

   吳楊 Wu Yang (Southwest Jiaotong University西南交通大學)

   蕭霽虹 Xiao Jihong (Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences 雲南社會科學院)

   謝世維 Hsieh Shu-wei (Chengchi University 臺灣政治大學)

   許詠晴 Yung-Ching Hsu (Southwest Jiaotong University西南交通大學)

   學愚 Xue Yu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學)

   楊浩 Yang Hao (Peking University 北京大學)

   楊志飛 Yang Zhifei (Xi’an International Studies University 西安外國語大學)

   尹翠琪 Maggie C K Wan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學)

   尹志華 Yin Zhihua (Minzu University of China 中央民族大學)

   游子安 Yau Chi On (Chu Hai College of Higher Education 香港珠海學院)

   俞森林 Yu Senlin (Southwest Jiaotong University西南交通大學)

   曾維加 Zeng Weijia (Southwest University西南大學)

   張粲 Zhang Can (Southwest Jiaotong University西南交通大學)

   張超然 Chang Chao-jan (Fu Jen Catholic University 臺灣輔仁大學)

   張素琴 Zhang Suqing (Shanghai Theatre Academy 上海戲劇學院)

   張曉宇 Cheung Hiu Yu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學)

   張雪松 Zhang Xuesong (Renmin University of China 中國人民大學)

   趙川 Zhao Chuan (Southwest Jiaotong University西南交通大學)

   趙靜 Zhao Jing (Southwest Jiaotong University西南交通大學)

   趙益 Zhao Yi (Nanjing University 南京大學)

   周廣榮 Zhou Guangrong (The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中國社會科學院)

   周作明 Zhou Zuoming (Southwest Minzu University 西南民族大學)

   宗樹人 David Palmer (University of Hong Kong 香港大學)


IV. 客座研究員 Guest Research Fellows

   白若思 Rostislav Berezkin (Fudan University 復旦大學)

   白照傑 Bai Zhaojie (Shanghai Academy of Social Science 上海社會科學院)

   陳文龍 Chen Wenlong (Fujian Normal University 福建師範大學)

   陳志遠 Chen Zhiyuan (The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中國社會科學院)

   杜康 Du Kang (Chengdu Museum成都博物館)

   郜同麟 Gao Tonglin (The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中國社會科學院)

   高振宏 Kao Chen-hung (Chengchi University 臺灣政治大學)

   胡劼辰 Hu Jiechen (Hunan University 湖南大學)

   胡小柳 Hu Xiaoliu (Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences 雲南社會科學院)

   黃建興 Huang Jianxing (Fujian Normal University 福建師範大學)

   蔣馥蓁 Chiang Fu-chen (Academia Sinica 中央研究院)

   酒井規史 Sakai Norifumi (Keio University 日本慶應義塾大學)

   鞠熙 Ju Xi (Beijing Normal University 北京師範大學)

   孔雁 Kong Yan (Shanghai Academy of Social Science 上海社會科學院)

   李靜 Li Jing (City University of Macau 澳門城市大學)

   李猛 Li Meng (Fudan University 復旦大學)

   李薇 Li Wei (Soochow University 蘇州大學)

   梁辰雪 Liang Chenxue (Fudan University復旦大學)

   劉婧瑜 Liu Jingyu (Harvard University 美國哈佛大學)

   羅丹 Luo Dan (Sun Yat-sen University 中山大學)

   呂永昇 Lui Wing Sing (The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學)

   牟和諦 Costantino Moretti (École française d'Extrême-Orient 法國遠東學院)

   潘君亮 Pan Junliang (Université de Paris 法國巴黎大學)

   祁剛 Qi Gang (Wenzhou University 溫州大學)

   孫齊 Sun Qi (Shandong University 山東大學)

   王大偉 Wang Dawei (Sichuan University 四川大學)

   王皓月 Wang Haoyue (The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中國社會科學院)

   巫能昌 Wu Nengchang (Fudan University 復旦大學)

   謝波 Xie Bo (Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts 廣州美術學院)

   徐靖焱 Xu Jingyan (Sichuan University 四川大學)

   徐天基 Xu Tianji (Shenzhen University 深圳大學)

   許蔚 Xu Wei (Fudan University 復旦大學)

   祝逸雯 Zhu Yiwen (Center for the Studies of Religion and Culture 上海宗教文化研究中心)


V. 通訊研究生 Correspondent Postgraduates

   安虹宇 An Hongyu (master’s degree candidate, Sichuan University 四川大學碩士研究生)

   白海涵 Bai Haihan (doctoral candidate, Arizona State University 美國亞利桑那州立大學博士研究生)

   卞冰夏 Bian Bingxia (doctoral candidate, École Pratique des Hautes Études


   崇劍 Chong Jian (doctoral candidate, City University of Macau 澳門城市大學博士研究生)

   鄧宏亞 Deng Hongya (doctoral candidate, Sichuan University 四川大學博士研究生)

   杜俊基 To Chun Kin, Allen (M.A., The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學碩士)

   段鵬 Duan Peng (Ph.D., Lanzhou University 蘭州大學博士)

   馮婉嫻 Fung Yuen Han  (M.A., The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學碩士)

   高翔 Gao Xiang (master’s degree candidate, The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences


   高昱 Gao Yu (doctoral candidate, Universität Hamburg 德國漢堡大學博士研究生)

   郭慧雯 Guo Huiwen (master’s degree candidate, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


   郭振新 Guo Zhenxin (master’s degree candidate, Sichuan University 四川大學碩士研究生)

   韓笑 Han Xiao (doctoral candidate, Université du Québec à Montréal


   虎恩博 Hu Enbo (doctoral candidate, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München


   李紅揚 Li Hongyang (doctoral candidate, University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences


   李沛林 Li Peilin (master’s degree candidate, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


   李璞妮 Polly Li (M.A., The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學碩士)

   梁梓敦 Leung Tsz Tun  (M.A., The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學碩士)

   廖嘉俊 Liu Ka Chun  (M.A., The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學碩士)

   林法璋 Lin Fazhang (master’s degree candidate, Sichuan University 四川大學碩士研究生)

   林於明 Lin Yuming (doctoral candidate, Wuhan University 武漢大學博士研究生)

   劉傲然 Liu Aoran (master’s degree candidate, Sichuan University 四川大學碩士研究生)

   劉鴻輝 Lau Hung Fai (M.A., The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學碩士)

   劉培 Lau Pui (M.A., The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學碩士)

   羅嗣超 Luo Sichao (M.A., Fudan University 復旦大學碩士)

   呂燁 Lü Ye (doctoral candidate, National Chengchi University 臺灣政治大學博士研究生)

   吳雲霞 Wu Yunxia (doctoral candidate, Lancaster University 英國蘭卡斯特大學博士研究生)

   謝孟謙 Martin Tse (master’s degree candidate, The University of Hong Kong 香港大學碩士研究生)

   許世聰 Hui Sai Chung (M.A., The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學碩士)

   延易橋 Yan Yiqiao (doctoral candidate, École Pratique des Hautes Études


   楊柳 Yang Liu (M.A., Southwest Jiaotong University 西南交通大學碩士)

   楊欣 Yang Xin (doctoral candidate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學博士研究生)

   尹薇 Yin Wei (doctoral candidate, University of Oxford 英國牛津大學東方研究所博士研究生)

   于金鐸 Yu Jinduo (master’s degree candidate, Fudan University 復旦大學碩士研究生)

   余倩倩 Yu Qianqian (M.A., The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學碩士)

   張金林 Zhang Jinlin (doctoral candidate, Xiamen University 廈門大學博士研究生)

   張琬容 Zhang Wanrong (doctoral candidate, École Pratique des Hautes Études


   張媛 Zhang Yuan (doctoral candidate, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


   張元傑 Zhang Yuanjie (doctoral candidate, École Pratique des Hautes Études


   莊銳輝 William Chong (M.A., The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學碩士)

   左旭華 Christopher Chor (M.A., The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學碩士)


VI. 助理研究生 Postgraduate Assistants

   曹艷紅 Cao Yanhong (master’s degree candidate, Southwest Jiaotong University 西南交通大學)

   毛春力 Mao Chunli (master’s degree candidate, Southwest Jiaotong University 西南交通大學)

   王蔚林 Wang Weilin (master’s degree candidate, Southwest Jiaotong University 西南交通大學)

   薛聰 Xue Cong (master’s degree candidate, Southwest Jiaotong University 西南交通大學)

   閆瑞 Yan Rui (master’s degree candidate, Southwest Jiaotong University 西南交通大學)

   楊金麗 Yang Jinli (master’s degree candidate, Southwest Jiaotong University 西南交通大學)

   張晨坤 Zhang Chenkun (doctoral candidate, Southwest Jiaotong University 西南交通大學)

   趙光偉 Zhao Guangwei (master’s degree candidate, Southwest Jiaotong University 西南交通大學)

   趙允嘉 Zhao Yunjia (master’s degree candidate, Southwest Jiaotong University 西南交通大學)

   廖文麗 Liao Wenli (master’s degree candidate, Southwest Jiaotong University 西南交通大學)

•   王盛維 Wang Shengwei (master’s degree candidate, Southwest Jiaotong University 西南交通大學)