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新書開放獲取丨康傑夫著 《古代晚期的中伊關係和中阿關係:第一個千年的中國與帕提亞人、薩珊人和阿拉伯人》

来源:康傑夫 时间:2024-08-16


Jeffrey Kotyk, Sino-Iranian and Sino-Arabian Relations in Late Antiquity:China and the Parthians, Sasanians, and Arabs in the First Millennium



Jeffrey Kotyk, Sino-Iranian and Sino-Arabian Relations in Late Antiquity:

China and the Parthians, Sasanians, and Arabs in the First Millennium

Series: Crossroads - History of Interactions across the Silk Routes, Volume: 8




康傑夫(萊頓大學2017年博士畢業) 是德國柏林馬克斯·普朗克科學史研究所的研究員。他的研究涵蓋多個主題,包括古代的中外關係,天文學和占星術的發展史,中國佛教和日本佛教。他於2022年至2024年在博洛尼亞大學擔任歐盟資助的研究員,撰寫專著《古代晚期的中伊和中阿關係:第一個千年的中國與帕提亞人、薩珊人和阿拉伯人》。


Jeffrey Kotyk (PhD, Leiden University, 2017) is a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, Germany. His research covers a variety of topics, including China-Foreign relations in ancient times, the history of astronomy and astrology, Chinese Buddhism, and Japanese Buddhism. He was an EU-funded researcher at the University of Bologna from 2022 to 2024, where he wrote a monograph, Sino-Iranian and Sino-Arabian Relations in Late Antiquity: China and the Parthians, Sasanians, and Arabs in the First Millennium.




This is the first monograph in a century to systematically document and explain relations between West and East Asia in the first millennium CE. This book covers diplomatic, cultural, religious, and material relations primarily between Persia and China. It also delves into the questions of how the Chinese encountered early Islam.


前言 vii

序 ix

圖表一覽表 xi

一 引言

二 中國和帕提亞 10

1 中國資料中的帕提亞 10

2 羅馬與中國-帕提亞關係 15

3 中國宗教與帕提亞 18

三 薩珊時期的中伊關係 29

1 波斯的漢語民族名 29

2 關於波斯的早期描述 33

3 波斯曆 54

4 中國的波斯語 59

5 薩珊王朝伊朗與中國的外交 63

6 薩珊王朝的滅亡和波斯僑民67

四 中國佛教徒與波斯 79

1 中國佛教史與民族志 79

2 中國佛教典籍中的伊朗 79

3 玄奘遊記及譯本 86

4 大乘經典與伊朗 97

5 其他東亞佛教資料 99

6 結論 101

五 中國的伊朗宗教——適應與融合 102

1 伊朗宗教傳入唐朝 103

2 瑣羅亞斯德教:適應與融合 108

3 邊疆與瑣羅亞斯德教 119

4 唐朝的伊朗宗教:適應與融合 122

六 占星術和星體魔法 140

1 中國的占星術和占卜 140

2 佛教占星術 142

3 唐占星術中的印度-伊朗元素 147

4 占星術圖像學 149

5 八、九、十一顆行星 164

七 物質和商業文化 177

1 貿易商品 178

2 金屬、礦物和寶石 180

3 東南亞和華南的波斯人和阿拉伯人 213

4 紡織品 233

5 芳烴 236

6 消耗品 243

7 結論 255

八 中國資料中關於伊斯蘭教和阿拉伯國家的早期記載 258

1 早期伊斯蘭教史學中的問題 258

2 中阿交往 262

3 漢語中的民族名詞“Tāzīk” 267

4 《先知與伊斯蘭文化的記載》 來源 270

5 中國資料中的倭馬亞王朝和阿拔斯王朝 284

6 中國資料的意義 288

參考書目 291

索引 331


Foreword vii

Preface ix

List of Tables and Figures xi

1 Introduction 1

2 China and Parthia 10

1 Parthia in Chinese Sources 10

2 Rome and Sino-Parthian Relations 15

3 Chinese Religion and Parthia 18

3 Sino-Iranian Relations in the Sasanian Period 29

1 The Ethnonym of Persia in Chinese 29

2 Early Descriptions of Persia 33

3 The Persian Calendar 54

4 The Persian Language in China 59

5 Diplomacy between Sasanian Iran and China 63

6 The Demise of the Sasanian State and the Persian Diaspora 67

4 Chinese Buddhists and Persia 79

1 Chinese Buddhist Histories and Ethnography 79

2 Iran in Chinese Buddhist Texts 79

3 Xuanzang’s Travelogue and Translations 86

4 Mahāyāna Texts and Iran 97

5 Other East Asian Buddhist Materials 99

6 Conclusion 101

5 Iranian Religions in China—Adaptation and Integration 102

1 The Establishment of Iranian Religions in Tang China 103

2 Zoroastrianism: Adaptation and Integration 108

3 The Frontier and Zoroastrianism 119

4 Iranian Religions in Tang China: Adaptation and Integration 122

6 Astrology and Astral Magic 140

1 Astrology and Divination in China 140

2 Buddhist Astrology 142

3 Indo-Iranian Elements in Tang Astrology 147

4 Astrological Iconography 149

5 The Eight, Nine, and Eleven Planets 164

7 Material and Commercial Cultures 177

1 Trade Commodities 178

2 Metals, Minerals, and Gems 180

3 Persians and Arabs in Southeast Asia and Southern China 213

4 Textiles 233

5 Aromatics 236

6 Consumables 243

7 Conclusion 255

8 The Early Accounts of Islam and Arab States in Chinese Sources 258

1 Problems in the Historiography of Early Islam 258

2 Sino-Arab Contacts 262

3 The Ethnonym “Tāzīk” in Chinese 267

4 The Account of the Prophet and Islamic Culture in Chinese

Sources 270

5 The Umayyads and Abbasids in Chinese Sources 284

6 The Significance of Chinese Sources 288

Bibliography 291

Index 331
