in Dorothy C. Wong and Gustav Heldt, eds. , China and Beyond in the Mediaeval Period: Cultural Crossings and Inter-Regional Connections, New Delhi:Manohar Publishers,
in association with Cambria Press, 2014, pp.351-385.
Dhāraṇī Pillars in China: Functions and Symbols
The so-called “dhāraṇī pillar” is a stone column composed of several sections: Its socle and upper portion are sometimes sculpted as lotus petals and Buddha images; the main section, generally octagonal, is engraved with Buddhist sūtras, or incantatory formulas known as dhāraṇī or mantra; and following is typically a dedicatory text or eulogies with references to both lay and religious donors. These pillars were built to benefit soteriologically both living and deceased laity and clergy. This paper discusses a current database of 280 pillars dating from 697 to 1285, which together provide a multiplicity of documentation for the role of these objects in Chinese Buddhism in terms of scriptures, practice, religio-political and socio-economics. This introduction to dhāraṇī pillars is followed by a discussion of the interesting word chuang “banner” used to self-designate these dhāraṇī-pillars from their very inception. It concludes with an examination of the iconography of several Dunhuang wall paintings illustrating the Sūtra on the dhāraṇī of the Victory from the Buddha’s head-summit (Buddhoṣṇīṣavijayā dhāraṇī), the scripture which constitutes the central inscription on most dhāraṇī pillars. This paper is richly illustrated with photos of inscribed pillars from several Chinese provinces also Ninh Binh province of Vietnam and of Dunhuang wall paintings.
漢傳佛教陀羅尼經幢一般指一八面石柱,稱為“石幢”,幢身刻有多種佛教陀羅尼經文及供養題記等。幢底基座常有雕塑,幢頂大約有七或五層,刻有蓮葉花瓣和佛、菩薩、金剛力士等石雕像。本文係作者多年收集和研究相關資料的成果,這些資料來自佛教經典文獻(包括敦煌寫卷和梵文抄本)、金石史料、近幾十年考古報告、國內外各地古佛寺及博物館藏品、實地調查,等等。論文以公元697-1285年間所立280座經幢作為基本研討資料,依照其年代、內容分析幢身所刻各種經文之演變、立幢供養人之題記願文和幢刻文之各種稱名等問題,並敘述此等經幢在漢傳佛教所及地域的傳佈,國內包括中原、華北、華南各地,國外遠及韓國和日本。論文特別指出,越北十世紀丁氏朝代都城華閭曾立一百座“加句靈驗陀羅尼寶幢”。石經幢上最早刻經為七世紀下葉譯自梵本的《佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經》,其漢譯經文強調抄寫佛頂尊勝陀羅尼於“高幢”上以為行者淨身滅罪之用。石幢傳達了通過“高幢”消災往生的期盼。事實上,中國六世紀的石造像碑刻文本身也有自稱為“幢”者。 隨著年代變遷,其他經典(如《大悲心》、《大佛頂》等陀羅尼和《心經》及《金剛經》等,以及一些用於消災滅罪往生儀式的真言)也跟著刻於石幢。本論文最後討論敦煌幾幅佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經變,特別是經變上所畫的“高幢”。本文配有多種經幢、石塔和敦煌經變等彩色插圖。
Dharani Pillars in China Functions and.pdf