
Research Staff



吴杨 助理教授         




办公室                       犀浦校区第三教学楼1103室中国宗教研究中心,西南交通大学

电子邮箱                    wy19873@hotmail.com








20122019         美国亚利桑那州立大学                         哲学博士

20092012        北京大学                                              历史学硕士

20052009         西南财经大学                                         管理学学士


·         第一届藏文梵文研习营(梵文),四川大学与哈佛大学,成都,2018         

·         梵文暑期项目,美国印度研究协会(American Institute of Indian Studies),印度普那(Pune,    India),2015



·         201957美国佛罗里达州湾庄汉和图书馆(The Elling Eide Center)驻访学者

·         2017911中国台湾政治大学华人宗教研究中心访问学者

·         20159月至20167日本大谷大学真宗综合研究所外国人研究员

·         20099月—201111参与中华书局点校本“二十四史”及《清史稿》修订工程子项目《晋书》修订工作





The Making of the Ordination Rank System in the Medieval Daoism, in preparation








“The Late Tang Esoteric Manual for Abhiṣeka: An Introduction, Analysis, and Translation of the

Engyō Nyūdan,” Studies in Chinese Religions 7:2-3 (2021): 330-356.




“Devoting Filial Piety to Celestial Spirits: The Ritual Patterns of Paternity in the Prehistory of Daoist Lingbao Tradition,” Huaren zongjiao yanjiu 13, (2019): 53–94. (修订版收入谢世维主编,《修真游虚》(台北:新文丰出版,2021),第59-104页)




“Transmit Scripture with Register: The Making of Daoist Ordination Rank,” Young Scholar’s Forum in Chinese Studies Part III (Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2018), pp. 177–215. 



The Paradox of Being: Truth, Identity, and Images in Daoism. By Poul Andersen. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2019. 《哲学与文化》2022年第3期,第195­-198页。


Celestial Masters: History and Ritual in Early Daoist Communities. By Terry F. Kleeman. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Asia Center, 2016. 世界宗教研究2021年第6期,第187-190页。


整合及制度化:唐前期道教研究,白照杰著。上海:格致出版社,2018。道教研究學報:宗教、歷史與社會/Daoism: Religion, History and Society, no. 12/13 (2020/21): 285–293.


Imperiled Destinies: The Daoist Quest for Deliverance in Medieval China. By Franciscus Verellen. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Asia Center, 2019. 宗教研究2020年第4期,第274-276页。


Gender, Power, and Talent: The Journey of Daoist Priestesses in Tang China. By Jinhua Jia. 《唐研究》2019年第24,第620-626页。



The Roy and Marilyn Papp Collection of Chinese Paintings, ed. by the Sotheby’s, 162–163. New York: Sotheby’s, 2016


顏宏墓誌”“元統師墓誌”,大唐西市博物館藏墓誌,北京:北京大学出版社,2012年,96–97, 108–109.




2021       唐代长安太清宫的朝献仪式,“道教仪式与中国社会”国际学术研讨会


2019             “神之降休,礼无不答”——杜甫的《朝献太清宫赋》,西南交通大学讲座


           “Imagining Communities: Daoist Mourning Rites and Communal Relations in Six                  Dynasties,” 美国早期中古研究协会年会(Early Medieval China roundtable,                   


                     “Heavenly Relative and Earthly Affection: The Ritual Construction of                                    Master-disciple Relations in the Early Medieval Daoist Community,” 美国宗教学               会西部地区分会(American Academy of Religion, western regional meeting,               坦佩



2018             “Transmit Scripture with Register: The Making of Daoist Ordination Rank, 第五                   届中国文化研究青年学者论坛(The 5th Young Scholars Forum in Chinese                         Studies),香港中文大学


                     “Devoting Filial Piety to Celestial Spirits: The Ritual Patterns of Paternity in the                     Prehistory of Daoist Lingbao Tradition,美国早期中古研究协会年会(Early                          Medieval China roundtable, 华盛顿特区


2017             “Transmission of the Law: the Daoist Ordination in the Tang, 第十一届国际道                    教研究会议(11th International Daoist Conference),巴黎


                     Ancestor Sage and Calendric Order: Rhapsody on Paying Court and Presenting at                  the Palace of Great Clarity, 美国东方研究协会年会(AOS annual meeting,                  杉矶


2016             讨论人,「東アジアの宗教文化と自然学」班研究会,京都大学


                     讨论人, 仏陀の言葉とその解釈,大谷大学


2014             “Images and Patterns: Illustrations of Fingerings in Handbooks for the Chinese                       Seven-Stringed Zither in Mid-to-Late Ming,” 美国亚洲研究协会西部分会                       Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, 坦佩


2013             “Purity and Remoteness: Visualizing the Yushan Style of Chinese Seven-Stringed                   Zither,” “中国绘画的语境”研讨会,凤凰城美术馆



2017             博士论文奖助,蒋经国国际学术交流基金会

                     玛丽帕普研究生奖(Marilyn A. Papp Graduate Scholarship),玛丽帕普教育基                         金(Marilyn A. Papp Scholarship Trust


2015             玛丽帕普研究生奖(Marilyn A. Papp Graduate Scholarship),玛丽帕普教育基                         金(Marilyn A. Papp Scholarship Trust

2014             玛丽帕普研究生奖(Marilyn A. Papp Graduate Scholarship),玛丽帕普教育基                         金(Marilyn A. Papp Scholarship Trust

2013–18        助教奖学金, 亚利桑那州立大学

2013             Hing-Fong 奖学金(Hing-Fong Scholarship),亚利桑那州立大学

2009–12        研究生奖学金,北京大学









助教, 美国国家人文学术基金会所支持道教学术研讨会(NEH Seminar on Daoism | Daoist Text Initiative | 科罗拉多大学,2014




·         研究生课程:“道教史”、“佛教史”、“道教仪式”、“中国宗教文献”

·         本科生课程:“中华文化原典”、“《史记》”



·         本科生课程:“初级中文”、“中级中文”、“道德经”、“道教”






(Updated 2022.10.4)



Assistant Professor of Chinese Religions

School of Humanities, Southwest Jiaotong University

Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China



Office                        X31103, School of Humanities, Southwest Jiaotong University, Xipu  

                   West Zone, Hi-Tech District, Chengdu, China 611756

E-mail                        wy19873@hotmail.com





History of Daoism; Chinese Esoteric Buddhism; Ritual studies; Chinese religious literature


Chinese seven-stringed zither music




Ph.D.     Arizona State University (Tempe, U.S.A.), East Asian Languages & Civilizations, 2019

M.A.      Beijing University (Beijing, China), Chinese History, 2012

B.A.      Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (Chengdu, China), Financial                    Management, 2009


Non-degree courses of study:

·         Sichuan University and Harvard University, Chengdu, China, summer 2018 (Sanskrit)        

·         American Institute of Indian Studies, Pune, India, summer 2015 (Sanskrit)




·         Resident Scholar, The Elling Eide Center, Sarasota, FL, U.S.A., May–July, 2019

·         Visiting Scholar, The Center for the Study of Chinese Religions, National Cheng-chi University, Taiwan, ROC, Sept.–Nov. 2017

·         Research Fellow, The Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute, Ōtani University, Japan, Sept. 2015–July 2016.

·         Revisor, Zhanghua shuju collated and punctuated Jinshu晉書, History Department of Beijing University and Zhonghua Book Company, Sept. 2009­–Nov. 2011.





Ritualized Bodies: The Making of Medieval Daoist Ordination Rank System, in preparation


儀式理論與儀式實踐 (A Chinese translation of Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice by Catherine Bell), in progress.


Peer-reviewed Articles and Book Chapters:


宇文所安英譯杜甫《朝獻太清宮賦》獻疑——兼論賦中的道教因素 (A Reexamination of Stephen Owen’s Translation of Du Fu’s Chaoxian taiqinggong fu, with a Discussion of its Daoist Sources),杜甫研究學刊 (Journal of Du Fu Studies)accepted


唐代長安太清宮的儒道儀式 (The Confucian and Daoist Rituals Performed at the Palace of

Greatest Clarity in Chang’an during the Tang Dynasty), 唐研究 (Tang Studies), no. 27 (2022):



“The Late Tang Esoteric Manual for Abhiṣeka: An Introduction, Analysis, and Translation of the

Engyō Nyūdan,” Studies in Chinese Religions 7:2-3 (2021), 330­–356.


兩漢三國章表制度新探 (A New Study of the Petition and the Presentation in the Han and the

Three Kingdoms), 文史 (Literature and History) 2021.2: 45–77.《人大複印報刊資料·先秦秦

漢史2021年第6期全文转 Reprinted in Early China, China Social Science Excellence,



Devoting Filial Piety to Celestial Spirits: The Ritual Patterns of Paternity in the Prehistory of Daoist Lingbao Tradition,Huaren zongjiao yanjiu 華人宗教研究 (Journal for the Studies of Chinese Religions), no. 13 (2019): 53–93. An revised version is included in Zhenyi youxu 儀遊虛, ed. Hsieh Shu-wei謝世維 (Taipei: Xinwenfeng, 2021), 59–104.


儀式研究視角下的中古時期佛道交涉研究綜述 (A Review of Medieval Buddho-Daoist Interactions from the Perspective of Ritual Studies), 世界宗教研究 (Studies in World Religions), 2019.4: 179–188. Reprinted in 人大複印報刊資料·宗教Religious Studies, China Social Science Excellence, 2019.6.            


“Transmit Scripture with Register: The Making of Daoist Ordination Rank,” Young Scholar’s Forum in Chinese Studies Part III (Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2018), pp. 177–215. 


Book Reviews:


The Paradox of Being: Truth, Identity, and Images in Daoism. By Poul Andersen. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2019. 哲學與文化 (Philosophy and Culture) 2022.3: 195­­–198.


Celestial Masters: History and Ritual in Early Daoist Communities. By Terry F. Kleeman. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Asia Center, 2016. 世界宗教研究(Studies in World Religions), 2021.6: 187–190.


整合及制度化:唐前期道教研究 (Integration and Institutionalization: A Study of Daoism in the Early Tang Dynasty),白照傑著。上海:格致出版社,2018。道教研究學報:宗教、歷史與社會/Daoism: Religion, History and Society, no. 12/13 (2020/21): 285–293.


Imperiled Destinies: The Daoist Quest for Deliverance in Medieval China. By Franciscus Verellen. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Asia Center, 2019. 宗教學研究 (Religious Studies), 2020.4: 274–276.


Gender, Power, and Talent: The Journey of Daoist Priestesses in Tang China. By Jinhua Jia. New York: Columbia University Press, 2018. 唐研究 (Tang Studies), no. 24 (2019): 620­–626.


Translation, transliteration, and others


One entry in The Roy and Marilyn Papp Collection of Chinese Paintings, ed. by the Sotheby’s, 162–163. New York: Sotheby’s.


 “Yan Hong muzhi顏宏墓誌 (The Epitaph of Yan Hong), Yuan Tongshi muzhi元統師墓誌 (The Epitaph of Yuan Tongshi), in Hu Ji 胡戟     ed.,大唐西市博物館藏墓誌 (The Epitaphs Collected at Datang xishi Museum), 96–97, 108–109. Beijing: Beijing daxue chubanshe, 2012.





2021             唐代長安太清宮的朝獻儀式 (The Chaoxian Ritual Performed at the Palace of Greatest Clarity in Chang’an during the Tang Dynasty). 道教儀式與中國社會國際學術研討會Online international conference onDaoist Ritual and Chinese Society.


2019             1. 神之降休,禮無不答——杜甫的《朝獻太清宮賦》On Du Fu’s Rhapsody of Paying Audience and Making Offerings to the Palace of Greatest Clarity. Invited talk at the School of Humanities, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu.

2. “Imagining Communities: Daoist Mourning Rites and Communal Relations in Six        Dynasties,” Early Medieval China roundtable,     Association for Asian Studies annual meeting, Denver

                     3. “Heavenly Relative and Earthly Affection: The Ritual Construction of                                 Master-disciple Relations in the Early Medieval Daoist Community,” American                        Academy of Religion, western regional meeting, Tempe


2018             1. “Transmit Scripture with Register: The Making of Daoist Ordination Rank,” The                 5th Young Scholars Forum in Chinese Studies, CUHK, Hong Kong

                     2. “Devoting Filial Piety to Celestial Spirits: The Ritual Patterns of Paternity in the                  Prehistory of Daoist Lingbao Tradition, Early Medieval China roundtable,                        Association for Asian Studies annual meeting, Washington DC


2017             1. “Transmission of the Law: the Daoist Ordination in the Tang, 11th                                    International Daoist Conference, Nattere, Paris

2. Ancestor Sage and Calendric Order: Rhapsody on Paying Court and Presenting at the Palace of the Greatest Clarity, AOS annual meeting, LA


2016             1. Discussant,「東アジアの宗教文化と自然学」班研究会 (The Conference on the Religious Culture and Physics in East Asia), Kyoto University, Kyoto

                     2. Discussant, 仏陀の言葉とその解釈 (The Buddha’s Words and Their                             Interpretations), Ōtani University and Eötvös Loránd University, Kyoto


2014             “Images and Patterns: Illustrations of Fingerings in Handbooks for the Chinese                       Seven-Stringed Zither in Mid-to-Late Ming,” Western Conference of the                                    Association for Asian Studies, Tempe


2013             “Purity and Remoteness: Visualizing the Yushan Style of Chinese Seven-Stringed                   Zither,” Unrolling the Scrolls: Chinese Painting in Context, Phoenix Art Museum,                 Tempe




2022             教育部人文社會科學研究青年基金項目 (Humanities and Social Sciences Research Funds, Youth Program, the Ministry of Education, PI)

2020             中央高校基本科研業務經費 (The funds for basic scientific research in national universities, PI)

2018             The Marilyn A. Papp Graduate Scholarship, Marilyn A. Papp Scholarship Trust

2017             Doctoral Fellowship, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation

                     The Marilyn A. Papp Graduate Scholarship, Marilyn A. Papp Scholarship Trust

                     Graduate Student Travel Award, Arizona State University

2015             The Marilyn A. Papp Graduate Scholarship, Marilyn A. Papp Scholarship Trust

2014             The Marilyn A. Papp Graduate Scholarship, Marilyn A. Papp Scholarship Trust

2013–18        Teaching Assistantship, Arizona State Univeristy

2013             Hing-Fong Scholarship, Arizona State University

2009–12        Graduate Fellowship, Beijing University.




English (listening, speaking, reading, writing)

Classical Chinese (reading)

Japanese (reading)

French (reading)

Sanskrit (reading)




Teaching Assistant, NEH Seminar on Daoism | Daoist Text Initiative | CU-Boulder, 2014




Assistant Professor, Southwest Jiaotong Univeristy                                        2019–present

·         Graduate Course

Seminar on Daoism

Seminar on Chinese Buddhism

Daoist Ritual (with Lü Pengzhi)

Chinese Religious Texts (contributed one lecture on Chinese Esoteric Buddhism)

·         Undergraduate Course

Shiji, or the Records of the Grand Historian

Advanced Classical Chinese


Teaching Associate, Arizona State University                         2013–15, 2016–17, 2018–2019

First Year and Third Year Chinese

Daode jing: Daoist Bible