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来源: 时间:2021-03-14



會議時間:2021年   月(待定)







勞格文John Lagerwey(香港中文大學)

主題發言:What Daoist Ritual Has to Contribute to Ritual Studies

This paper has three objectives: 1) to situate the history of Daoist ritual study within ritual studies as a whole; 2) to reflect on the role of ritual in Chinese culture as a whole; 3) to survey the history and present focus of Daoist ritual studies. In the first part I will look at the impact of Protestant ideas of religion that militated against the development of ritual studies until the 1960s and 70s. In the second I will use  Vandermeersch’s idea of Western “teleologic” vs Chinese “morphologic” in discussing the central role of ritual in both Confucian and Daoist history. Finally, I will discuss briefly how the shift from the study of pre-Tang ritual that dominated the first phase of Daoist ritual studies to the current emphasis on field work and more recent historical eras contributes to our understanding of Chinese intellectual history.


安德遜Poul Andersen(夏威夷大學)

主題發言(新書介紹):The Paradox of Being: Truth, Identity, and Images in Daoism (A Book Presentation)

The question of truth has never been more urgent than today, when the distortion of facts and the imposition of pseudo-realities in the service of the powerful have become the order of the day. In this book, I address the concept of truth in Chinese Daoist philosophy and ritual. My approach is unapologetically universalist, and the book may be read as a call for a new way of studying Chinese culture, which does not shy away from approaching “the other” in terms of an engagement with “our own” philosophical heritage.

The basic Chinese word for truth is zhen, which means both true and real, and which thus bypasses the separation of the two ideas insisted on in much of the western philosophical tradition. Through wide-ranging research into Daoist ritual, both in history and as it survives in the present day, I show that the concept of true reality that informs this tradition posits being as a paradox anchored in the inexistent Way (Dao). The preferred way of life suggested by this insight consists in seeking to be an exception to ordinary norms and rules of behavior which nonetheless engages what is common to us all.

The first part of the book (chapters 1-3) deals with some crucial conceptual issues involved in this universalist philosophical approach: the relationship between truth and subjectivity, and the contrast between truth and knowledge. The philosophical grounding is in modern European philosophy starting with Leibniz and Kant, with special reference to Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855), the founder of existentialism, and the contemporary French philosopher Alain Badiou, who has brought the questions of truth and the subject back into Western intellectual discourse—as an important corrective to the hegemony of postmodernism. The focus of this part of the book is on ontology, in general and as it is developed in Daoism. In Daoism, it is commonly expressed in terms of nothingness and the absent Way, similar to the notions found in Western modernist literature, with its focus on presence as absence.

The second part (chapters 4-6) extends this foundation into a phenomenology and a theory of Daoist ritual. A main theme is provided by the dual concepts of ti and yong, essence and function, which are shown to be fundamental to Daoist understandings of the structure, not only of ritual, but also of the complex iconographies of the images used in ritual. My resources for this discussion include most importantly the Scripture of the Jade Pivot, Yushu jing (c. 1200 CE), and my research into the history and iconography of its main deity Puhua tianzun, the supreme god of thunder. A dominant theme in this connection is that of unity and identity, both of images and of the individual identities of Daoist adepts developed in forms of the transformation of the body/self, bianshen, and in the play of identifications with various deities. Personal transformation, understood as the attainment of immortality, is at the heart of all Daoist practice—in individual inner alchemy, neidan, and as a crucial part of public ritual, where it takes the form of the inner journey to heaven of the high priest in order to submit the written petition that describes the circumstances and the goals of performing the ritual in question. Chapter 6 is devoted to the ritual of submitting the petition, fuzhang, throughout history and in present-day Daoist performances. It is shown to rely on the important theme of sincerity, cheng, which, contrary to some contemporary Western theories of ritual, is seen to be crucial to the efficacy of Daoist ritual.








祁泰履Terry Kleeman(美國科羅拉多大學)

Alchemy and the Celestial Master: The Zhao Sheng Legend and Tianshidao

The Celestial Master Church was founded in the mid-second century C.E. as a mass liturgical movement, offering ritual means to attain salvation and Daoist apotheosis. The movement consciously eschewed the search for longevity through alchemical, medical, or sacrificial means, as well as medical responses to illness, secular sexual self-cultivation practices, and divination to change one’s fate. Already by the fourth century, however, a tradition developed in South China that Zhang Daoling had not been the founder of a religion, but rather a traditional teacher of transcendence, with a small cohort of personal disciples. Two disciples, Wang Chang and Zhao Sheng are singled out as the only recipients of his true teachings, and they recur in later scriptures through the Tang dynasty. Although the goal of these disciples is alchemical transcendence, there are moralistic aspects to their texts, and there is an association as well with the Celestial Master rite of sexual union, the Merging of Pneumas. This paper will look at this tradition and its associated texts in a quest to determine to what degree this textual tradition reflects a set of practices employed by a historical group of people.










李福Gil Raz(美國達特茅斯學院宗教系)

The Introduction of Anthropomorphic Imagery in Daoist Ritual

Daoist ritual during the three centuries between the early Celestial Master community and the systemization of ritual and textual canon in the fifth century by Lu Xiujing was aniconic. The ritual protocols of the Celestial Master community and of the Lingbao scriptures simply had no use or place for iconic imagery. This remains the case in the Daoist compendium Wushang biyao 無上秘要  compiled at the behest of emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou in the late 570’s. Yet, statues are an integral part of Daoist ritual as presented in the early 7th century ritual compendium  Sandong fengdao kejie 三洞奉道科戒. Where and when did Daoist statues appear? And, How were they accepted and incorporated into orthodox Daoist ritual? This paper traces the introduction of statues and iconic imagery into Daoist ritual and the changes in ritual practice entailed by the use of iconic imagery.











10 吳楊(美國亞利桑那州立大學博士)

Performative Officiants: The Social Transformation of the Daoist Ordination Rite in the Late Tang and the Five Dynasties

After a long evolution from the early Tang to the Five Dynasties, the Daoist ordination rite for the Dao De jing was added with a large number of performative elements in the Taishang sandong chuanshou Dao De jing zixu lu baibiao yi 太上三洞传授道德经紫虚籙拜表仪Du Guangting, the author of the protocol, rewrote the new hymns or recomposed the lyrics for the old hymns. As a result of the interaction with the Tang society and with Buddhism, this new form of high performativity redefined the six major ritual officiants of the traditional Lingbao retreat. 


11 張超然(臺灣輔仁大學宗教學系)




12 劉金成(四川大學道教與宗教文化研究所博士研究生)




13 張晨坤(西南交通大學人文學院博士研究生)、呂鵬志(西南交通大學人文學院)


    北宋王欽若奉敕編集的《翊聖保德真君傳》假託天神真君降言,宣傳君權神授,為太宗(即位前為晉王)承繼太祖地位製造神學依據,是研究宋初道教史的重要教內資料。降言中提到了宋初道教信仰的若干神明(如上帝/玉帝/玉皇、北帝、紫微、七元、真君、天蓬、九曜、東鬥、天地水三官、真武、西鬥、天曹、靈寶、三清、星宿諸神等)和鬼魔邪怪(包括山魈),特意指出道教所奉上天之神與巫覡所奉鬼魅之間存在根本差別。尤其值得注意的是,神君的“降言”列舉了驅邪除妖的劍法和為國祈福的壇儀(兩類儀法各分三類),還提到了舉行儀式使用的法物、詞章。將《翊聖保德真君傳》與宋初及宋初前後的其他道教資料比較印證可知,宋初道教基本承襲了隋唐五代道教的信仰和儀式,還沒有像兩宋之際的道教那樣因大量吸收新道法、密教、民間宗教成份而產生巨變(美國道教學者司馬虛Michel Strickmann稱這一巨變為“十二世紀道教的復興”),不過新的驅邪神明和驅邪法術已開始悄然出現在國家道教儀式中,預示著近百年後驅邪儀式將登上道教儀式的中心舞臺。


14 姜守誠(中國人民大學哲學院)




15 許蔚(上海社會科學院)




16 謝世維(臺灣政治大學宗教研究所)




17 高振宏(臺灣政治大學中文系)




18 酒井規史(日本慶應義塾大學商學部)


眾所周知,王文卿是宋代著名道士, 在雷法傳統中也是受到重視的人物。南宋洪邁《夷堅志》也記載了他的逸話,可知當時已遐邇馳名。但他的可靠傳記資料並不多,其活動的實際情況尚有不明之處,其著作也大部分真假難辨。



19 常志靜Florian Reiter(德國柏林洪堡大學漢學系)

How Heavenly Masters Daoism of the period Song-Yuan deals with demoniac plagues

We have impressing Daoist accounts of the omnipresence of demons and the plagues in this world that demons are supposed to cause. They make their presence felt in the living quarters as well as in all elements of nature, infesting mountains and rivers and eventually causing illness and unfortunate developments in social life. Heavenly Masters Daoism from its very beginning presented methods to deal with the problem which is the basic theme of this presentation. Due to the very nature of the Daoist Canon 正統道藏we do not get detailed ritual programs that Daoist priests, be they called Master of the Dao or Master of the Ritual/Norm 道士/法師 performed. We do find indications in historical and canonical sources that priests established devices called Earth Prison 地獄 to confine demons. The period Song-Yuan 宋元saw the rationalization, documentation, and new formulation of exorcist ways and means along the lines of Song-internal alchemy and following some literary standards. There may have been Tang-precursors of Daoist exorcism that canonical sources left undocumented as to details.  We speak about the great wealth of exorcist ritual programs in the Song-Yuan era that in fact Daoist priests but not sorcerers executed, and they do so up to today. In history a well-known example is the Song Daoist Wang Wenqing 王文卿who staged a Thunder Ritual at the court of Emperor Song Huizong宋徽宗, setting up a Thunder altar with a jar in its centre to confine and bury fox-spirits that had haunted the compound of halls and towers of the court. In a sense, the jar used at the occasion served as prison. We find for the period in consideration many descriptions of what a prison for demons should look like. There are variants, for example. the Prison of Fire 火獄that was extensively described in the texts of theGreat Rituals of Tian Peng 上清天蓬伏魔大法which we will present. This exorcism was performed as independent rituals. However, the need and aim to confine demons is also seen in the context of rituals in the Dao-arena 道場where the character well drawn on the ground serves the purpose with a less spectacular performance. In any case, it is important to realize that amulets, spells, ritual steps and mûdras come with such rituals that do not have the ecstatic nature of mediumistic performances but belong to the controlled, sober action of the priest in Heavenly Master Daoism. We know that the exorcism of the Ritual-arena 法場 is very often performed by priests who also equally qualify to operate Dao-arenas 道場. One person can unite seemingly different professional qualities. I note that also in exorcism the individual and religious standing of the priest is based on the self-identification with the spirit-general that carries the respective exorcism. This process is called transformation into a divinity 變神which basically is an element in any Daoist ritual which we will explain. We especially note that this self-identification is absolutely different from possession that characterizes mediumistic culture. In this context we observe that it seems to depend on the regional tradition and the individual history of the priest whether he can do both jobs or has to focus exclusively on Dao or Fa, implying a different and restricted training and range of operation. We observe that in present times large scale Daoist exorcism, as we see it in the Ritual-arena 法場contains one particular action that reminds us of the priest and exorcist Wang Wenqing performing at the Song-court, and this part is called Collecting the Killing Breaths收煞. Collecting the Killing Breaths uses a jar that is covered with an amulet-cloth that has an opening to take in the killing breaths. We want to show the importance of a ritual, exorcist device that aims at confining and neutralizing demoniac spirits which is very much different from other Thunder Rituals that profess to kill and exterminate demons. There are many different and seemingly conflicting approaches to tackle the problems that demons cause. These methods co-existed and the predominance of this or that method may be a difference that is still beyond our interpretation.


20 高萬桑Vincent Goossaert(法國高等研究學院宗教學部)

Daoist ritual in the soteriology of Qing scholars 清代文人的救世成神與道教科儀

The lay spirit-writing groups were a major type of religious organization in late imperial times, and remain so in certain parts of the Chinese world. Even though they were sometimes assuming a Confucian identity, Daoist ritual was an essential component of their identity and practice. This paper will first explore the range of liturgical texts in their textual productions and canons, then look at the types of rituals they most frequently performed, before turning to narrative material that detail how a wish to learn Daoist rituals was a major reason why many literati joined spirit-writing groups.


21 劉婧媮(美國哈佛大學東亞語言與文明系博士候選人)

Universal Salvation and Bodily Transcendence: The Yellow Register Retreat and a Daoist Solution toward Death and (Re)birth

This paper investigates the Yellow Register Retreat, a Daoist universal salvation ritual which aims at bringing about deliverance to all the souls of the dead and conferring blessings to the living regardless of age, gender, and social status. The study focuses on the development of the Yellow Register Retreat during the Song dynasty, in particular on a specific ritual procedure called “Salvation through sublimation” (liandu鍊度). It aims to discuss the prominence of this ritual procedure within the Yellow Register Retreat and see how its integration to the Retreat helps define the Daoist soteriological scheme of universal salvation.


22 甘雪松Jacopo Scarin(威尼斯大學)

A Daoist Ritual Nexus in South China: Suzhou, Court Daoism and Longmen Communities

The aim of this paper is to uncover the importance of Suzhou as a Daoist ritual centre during the Yongzheng and Qianlong reigns by studying the Daoist rituals employed in two distant areas of the Qing empire by very different Daoist institutions: the Zhengyi Order in Beijing and the Longmen Daoists in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

During the 18th century, different Daoist institutions and communities experienced a series of events whose influence shaped their development during the following centuries. Two important forms of organized Daoism during that period were the Zhengyi 正一 Order, led by the Heavenly Master 天師 of the Zhang family, with headquarters on Mount Longhu and the Longmen lineages 龍門派 that were at the same time spreading in Zhejiang and Jiangsu. During the Yongzheng reign (1723-1735) the most important Daoist affiliated with the Zhengyi Order at the capital was Lou Jinyuan, who arrived there as a Daoist official 法官 in 1727. Between 1731 and 1736 he received imperial favours and accumulated a series of prominent positions. During the following Qianlong 乾隆 era (1736-1796) the emperor gradually undermined the influence of the Heavenly Masters at the capital and attempted to control their authority over religious specialists in the empire, while reserving a special position for Lou Jinyuan. Meanwhile, at the Jingu Grotto 金鼓洞 of Hangzhou a Daoist community that considered itself as representative of the ancient Daoist monastic movement of the 12th century called Quanzhen 全真 started taking over various temples in Zhejiang and Jiangsu, while some of its most prominent Daoists established links with nearby famous temples. This Daoist community called its own tradition Longmen, a rather late term that encompassed a variety of lineages spread throughout the empire.

These two forms of institutional Daoism are very different, yet they were both linked with the Suzhou area. While the circumstances that promoted the formation of a Daoist network between Beijing and Suzhou through Lou Jinyuan’s activities at the capital has already received attention, less has been written about the presence of Longmen Daoists in the area northeast of Lake Tai. By studying the rituals employed by Lou Jinyuan and by the Longmen Daoists of Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces, I will analyse the links between the ritual traditions of these different locations and the magnitude of the influence of the traditions based in Suzhou over very distant and apparently unrelated Daoist communities.

23 赵允嘉西南交通大學人文學院硕士研究生、呂鵬志(西南交通大學人文學院教授)


《神仙傳》是對後世影響極大的早期仙傳,其原本已佚,現存版本中以《廣漢魏叢書》本與《四庫全書》本最為常用,均為明清時舊輯。為了更好地利用《神仙傳》,前人已做過不少工作,如胡守為以《四庫全書》本為底本整理的《神仙傳校釋》,又如康儒博(Robert F. Campany)在《與天地兮比壽——葛洪〈神仙傳〉的翻譯和研究》一書中提供的新輯本。但前輩學者多未對《神仙傳》中記載的事蹟進行詳細考證,本文試以《四庫全書》本《神仙傳》葛玄條為例,逐句辨析其內容是否符合史實。




24 歐福克Volker Olles(四川大學道教與宗教文化研究所)

The Numinous Ancestor Elevated - On the Deity Lingzu in the Fayan tan Ritual Tradition

The title Lingzu 靈祖 (Numinous Ancestor) generally denotes Wang lingguan 王靈官 (Numinous Officer Wang), the well-known Daoist temple protector who is worshiped as an exorcistic deity connected with the forces of thunder and fire. In the Fayan tan 法言壇 tradition, Lingzu is said to be kuixing 魁星, the first star of the Northern Dipper constellation, and he is known under the titles Precelestial Numinous Ancestor of the Dipper Entrance (Xiantian doukou lingzu 先天斗口靈祖) and Numinous and Majestic Holy Emperor of the Precelestial Dipper Palace (Xiantian douque lingwei shengdi 先天斗闕靈威聖帝). However, the title Doukou lingzu is not understood as a personal name, but as designation of a celestial office (zhiwu 職務) that may be held by various personalities. Consequently, the deity Lingzu in the Fayan tan liturgy is also identified as Wang lingguan. The present paper examines the unique career of Lingzu in the Sichuanese Fayan tan tradition.


25 蔣馥蓁(臺灣教育部博士後)





26 向仲敏(西南交通大學人文學院)





27 梅林寶Mark Meulenbeld(香港理工大學中國文化學系)

Ritual Ecology of the Peach Blossom Spring

This paper aims to apply an ecological interpretation to the ritual lore surrounding a sacred site in Northern Hunan, weaving the discursive threads of ritual, narrative, and sacred site into one synthetic discussion. The ritual under consideration, the offering to the Immoral Ladies (仙娘 xianniang) of the Peach Spring Grotto (桃源洞 Taoyuandong) that is widely popular throughout the province of Hunan, refers itself to the famous story of the Peach Blossom Spring (桃花源記 Taohuayuanji) which, in Tao Yuanming’s 陶淵明 classic iteration, is located near Wuling 武陵 (present-day Changde 長德) in northern Hunan. I argue that we may understand the cultural complex surrounding this sacred site as a “ritual ecology.” Most importantly, it is in terms of rituals such as these that we should understand the construction of man-nature relationships within village communities of central Hunan (PRC): through the ritual synergy between village troupes of Daoist priests and the many spirits of local, natural landmarks (including grottoes), the landscape is articulated as a sacred, ecological whole. Second, applying these ideas more broadly, it is through ritual that the local narrative (of possibly non-Han “minority” origin) about a sacred site in northern Hunan has come to be recycled as if it were mainstream Han culture. It is also through ritual that it is preserved as an active locus of efficacy – an efficacy that, in turn, can be recreated in laymen’s households through ritual.


28 莫達夫 David Mozina(美國波士頓學院)

Summoning Martial Deities with Banners: The Roots of a Ritual Practice in Hunan

This paper explores the use of cloth banners to summon martial deities, a common ritual practice in central Hunan. Relying on ethnographic fieldwork, the paper first sketches the practice by which a ritual officiant summons particular martial deities by inscribing a long talisman on a cloth banner with streamers cut into one end. Then the banner is hoisted onto a pole for the wind to knot the streamers, signaling the martial deity or deities has responded to the summons. The paper then traces the history of this practice in canonical and non-canonical sources, which seems to indicate that the practice has roots in Sichuan.


29 田澤人(中國人民大學哲學院道教研究中心碩士研究生)




30 陳文龍(福建師範大學社會歷史學院)




31 巫能昌(復旦大學歷史系)


道教驅邪法師的儀式傳統是宋元以來中國南方重要的宗教文化傳統。關於贛南地區的情況,勞格文(John Lagerwey)、劉勁峰等學者已經做過細緻的梳理工作,不過仍然還有一定的討論空間,尤其是在當地法師儀式傳統的形成過程、法師崇拜,及其與地方社會的互動方面。報告將以前人研究和新近搜集的田野考察資料為基礎,結合傳統傳世道書,對這些問題進行探討。


32 呂燁(臺灣政治大學宗教研究所博士候選人)




33 宗樹人David Palmer(香港大學社會學系)

Civil and Martial Structures in Jiao Rituals: the Buddho-Daoist Altars of a Ritual Tradition in Yingde, Guangdong

This paper will analyze the symphonic contrasts and complementarities between Civil and Martial altars, using this case study to raise general questions about the wen/wu structuration and combination of traditions in popular ritual. The paper will be based on ethnographic analysis of Jiao rituals conducted in 2004 and 2006, as well as textual analysis of over 30 ritual manuscripts collected from the leading priest in the local tradition.


34 祝逸文(上海宗教文化研究中心)

Daoist Ritual in Chongming District of Shanghai 上海崇明區的道教儀式

 Although there has been no Daoist temple on the island till now, local Daoists are still active in providing Daoist rituals for residents. I just began to have contact with those Daoists and I hope I could draft a paper about Chongming Daoists and their ritual services before the due day.


35 蕭霽虹(雲南省社會科學院宗教研究所)、段鵬(蘭州大學敦煌學研究所博士研究生)




36 徐天基(深圳大學文化產業研究院)




37 羅丹(中山大學哲學系〔珠海〕)





38 黃建興(福建師範大學社會歷史學院)




39 呂永昇(香港中文大學,通識教育中心)




40 林振源(臺灣政治大學華人宗教研究中心 


唐末五代以前的道教主要延續六朝以來的古典傳統宋代道教開始出現結構性的變化。唐宋之際,多種根植於地方的新興傳統陸續出現,相較於唐前道 教,宋元以後的道教向來被視為與當代道教更具延續性。最顯著的特徵之一,即是延續自唐代的古典道教儀式與當時地方新興法術傳統的交涉與結合,“變神 召將”法事是其中最重要的標誌。通過當代大範圍的田野調查發現,地方道教 儀式中仍保存豐富的變神召將內容,道士通過變身為祖師(張天師)或法主(真武)召遣不同系統的官將行法。本文擬通過當代閩南、浙南、湖南、雲南、贛東北等地的資料與古代道教儀式文獻的比較,初步考察歷史與當代地方 道教儀式中變神召將的異同。




41 丸山宏(日本築波大學人文社會系)




42 張澤洪(四川大學道教與宗教文化研究所)




43 李志鴻(中國社會科學院世界宗教研究所





44 田豔(湖南省民協梅山文化研究委員會、南嶽佛教文化研究院)




45 侯沖(上海師範大學哲學系)




46 沈如泉(西南交通大學人文學院)




47 王大偉(四川大學道教與宗教文化研究所副研究員)




48 譚偉倫(香港中文大學文化及宗教研究系)



49 薛聰(西南交通大學人文學院碩士研究生)、呂鵬志(西南交通大學人文學院教授)






50 李遠國(四川省社會科學院研究員)、李黎鶴(四川傳媒學院講師)




51 杜康(成都博物館)






52 陳平(電子科技大學外國語學院)、張素琴(南京藝術學院)

論道教儀式表演 On Taoist Ritual Performance

論文首先辨析表演的概念,特別闡明其與J. L. Austin 言語行為理論所說的表演一詞的關係,因為美國學者Puett正是在這一意義上探討儀式與真誠的關係。論文進而結合道教文獻探討道教儀式與言語行為的關係。論文提出,就表演的本體而言,參與道教儀式表演的高功會借助語言(身體的、口頭的、書面的),而其整個儀式也牽涉到一定的戲劇表演性,牽涉到對於敘事時間和敘事情節等的微妙運用。 論文借助語言哲學、敘事、舞蹈、戲劇表演等學科的理論知識,並結合一定的田野調查,以求對道教儀式的表演性做出較深入探討。


53 白彬(四川大學歷史文化學院考古學系)




54 趙川(西南交通大學人文學院)




55 鄧宏亞(四川大學歷史文化學院博士研究生)






56 范華Patrice Fava(法國遠東學院、中國人民大學)


張道陵受太上老君秘籙、真文寶符,闡教演法,普度眾生,自祖天師創教,至金、元時代演出“全真”教旨。道教日用,分有五乘之法:一曰宗,二曰教,三曰律,四曰法,五曰科。宗者,萬緣定息,一念不起,坐而待成是也。此實不易行。教者,垂像教化,講究解釋,假此以得開悟也。律者,從方丈,守律壇,演三壇大戒,生慧而登真也。法者,正一符籙是也。科者,常行課誦,祈禳懺悔,濟生度死道場是也。五乘之法皆有規範儀注,是以道人欲證道登真,必先依規矩範圍身心,行持不懈,自然體道合真。(閔智亭 《道教儀範》, 宗教文化出版社,2004年。)






57 李建欣(中國社會科學院世界宗教研究所)


58 汪桂平(中國社會科學院世界宗教研究所


59 王宗昱(北京大學哲學系、宗教學系)


60 郭武(雲南大學歷史系)